Woman Carrying A Baby


4 Birth

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Do you have a history of...

Alarm Clock Icon

Long Labor

Woman with Lower Back Pain

Pelvic Pain

False Labor

Posterior Baby

Stalled Labor

Eight Month Old Fetus

Breech Baby

Learn what ​you can do ​prenatally

To optimize space and balance

To encourage your baby to get ​into a more optimal position for ​birth

To reduce pregnancy discomfort

To work with your contractions ​to reduce long labor

Our body is so amazingly complex and interconnected. Hunching over computers at work, sitting in ​a car, carry a toddler on your hip, and wearing high heels can all impact the muscles and ligaments ​that have a ripple affect on our entire body. Our daily habits and the exercise that we do can help or ​hinder the amazing birth process. Do you have a 40 hr labor while your sister in law just had 4 hrs? ​Some bodies seem more impacted than others. Simple daily stretches and being mindful of ​alignment can have a profound affect on the baby ability to get into a more optimal position for ​birth. Babies navigate the space they are given. Creating space and balance are so beneficial for a ​smoother birth process. Doulas and pregnant clients can easily implement some of these concepts ​and techniques.

Woman Carrying A Baby

for a private consultation

Shevy Lowinger