4 Birth
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Do you have a history of...
Long Labor
Pelvic Pain
False Labor
Posterior Baby
Stalled Labor
Breech Baby
Learn what you can do prenatally
To optimize space and balance
To encourage your baby to get into a more optimal position for birth
To reduce pregnancy discomfort
To work with your contractions to reduce long labor
Our body is so amazingly complex and interconnected. Hunching over computers at work, sitting in a car, carry a toddler on your hip, and wearing high heels can all impact the muscles and ligaments that have a ripple affect on our entire body. Our daily habits and the exercise that we do can help or hinder the amazing birth process. Do you have a 40 hr labor while your sister in law just had 4 hrs? Some bodies seem more impacted than others. Simple daily stretches and being mindful of alignment can have a profound affect on the baby ability to get into a more optimal position for birth. Babies navigate the space they are given. Creating space and balance are so beneficial for a smoother birth process. Doulas and pregnant clients can easily implement some of these concepts and techniques.